charte graphique

La charte graphique de référence de Marlie Digital

Mise à jour : 25.10.20



LOGO alternatif



Primary / Links / Icons color


Secondary / button color


Dark Background Color


Light Background Color


Accent Background Color







Heading 1

Police du texte : Poppins

Police des titres : Josefin sans

Feature Heading 3

An example with an icon box

This is Heading 2

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

This is Heading 5
This is Heading 6


Heading 1

Cette section utilise la classe sk-dark-bg class.

Feature Heading 3

An example with an icon box

This is Heading 2

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

This is Heading 5
This is Heading 6

TExt Sizes

This is XXL Text

This is XL Text

This is Large Text

This is Medium Text

This is Small Text

Heading Sizes

XXL Heading

XL Heading

Large Heading

MEdium Heading

Small Heading


Button Styles

Dynamic button style control

Accent background

Section avec la classe sk-accent-bg


Contact Form Style

You can change the default styles of the Elementor form by customising the Forms panel in the Style Kit sidebar.

Default Column Gap

The Default column Gap defines the default padding of the columns in your Elementor Layouts.

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